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torsdag 15 september 2016

Mitokondria porus teoria 2016. Polyfosfaatin tärkeys. ja PHB:n

 Tämäkin artikkeli on tuoreita 2016. Ydinrakenteena tässä  permeabiliteettiaukossa on  helix polyfosfaateja jotka  tekevät jonisidosta  calsiumjoniin ja  kalsium taas  pitäytyy ulompaan polyhydroksyrasvahappohelixiin (PHB- helix). . Helixin ulko pinta  on lipofiilinen  metyyliryhmien takia  Sisäänpäin on polaarinen  esteri karbonyylihappi   kalsiumin suuntaan. Näin  kalsiumjoni välittää näitä kahta helixiä,  ytimen  polyfosfaattia ja ulompaa  polyhydroksirasvahappo ( polyhydroksialkanylaattia, tässä tapauksessa  polyhydroksybutyraattia, PHB) .



Mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) is a large channel located in the mitochondrial inner membrane. The opening of mPTP during pathological calcium overload leads to the membrane depolarization and disruption of ATP production. mPTP activation has been implicated as a central event during the process of stress-induced cell death. mPTP is a supramolecular complex composed of many proteins. Recent studies suggest that mitochondrial ATPase plays the central role in the formation of mPTP. However, the structure of the central conducting pore part of mPTP (mPTPore) remains elusive. Here we review current models proposed for the mPTPore and involvement of polyP in its formation and regulation. We discuss the underestimated role of polyP as an effector and a putative structural component of the mPTPore. We propose the hypothesis that inclusion of polyP can explain such properties of mPTP activity as calcium activation, selectivity and voltage-dependence.
 Bildresultat för polyP/Ca2+/polyhydroxybutyrate complexes

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