NNR 2012,
Ravinnon rasva, rasvahapot ja terveys, Dietary fat, fatty
acids, and health, 226-227
(7.1.) Seerumin lipidikirjo. Serum lipid profile (s. 226-8)
Nykyaikaisiin geneettisiin tutkimuksiin perustuen katsotaan seerumin LDL-kolesterolin olevan syy-seuraus suhteessa ateroskleroosiin. Kardiovaskulaaristen riskien hyvinä merkitsijöinä toimivatkin LDL:HDL-kolesterolipitoisuuksien suhde sekä muun kolesterolin kuin HDL-kolesterolin pitoisuus.-
Serum LDL-cholesterol concentration has been causally
related to atherosclerosis based on modern genetic studies,
and the ratio of LDL-cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol, as well as the
non-HDL- cholesterol concentration, are good
markers for CVD risk.
When SFA and TFA are replaced by cis-MUFA and PUFA,
the LDL-cholesterol concentration in serum is reduced while the
HDL-cholesterol concentration usually remains unchanged, i.e. the
total cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol ratio improves.
The NNR SR by Schwab et aliae included 45 RCTs investigating the effect of different fatty acids on serum lipids. The evidence that the serum/plasma concentrations of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol are reduced when SFA is replaced by cis-MUFA or PUFA was evaluated as convincing. There was no adverse effect on serum/plasma HDL-cholesterol concentration.
Substituting cis-MUFA for SFA or carbohydrates might
even have a favourable effect on HDL-cholesterol concentration and
the total-cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol ratio. However, there is
no direct evidence that increasing the HDL-cholesterol concentration
itself lowers the risk of CHD. If total fat intake is markedly
reduced in addition to replacing SFA or carbohydrates with
cis-MUFA, the HDL-cholesterol concentration decreases and the
concentration of triglycerides increases. Increased
physical activity might counterbalance the effects of reduced
fat intake on HDL-cholesterol.
In the SR by Schwab et aliae, the evidence for replacing
SFA by cis-MUFA or PUFA in regard to concentrations of
serum/plasma HDL-cholesterol was evaluated as limited - no
conclusion, and the effect on concentration of serum/plasma total
triglycerides was unlikely.
The evidence for replacing carbohydrates with
cis-MUFA or PUFA was evaluated as limited- no conclusion for
serum/plasma concentrations of total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol,
and total triglycerides. For LDL-cholesterol concentration, the
evidence was evaluated as unlikely.
RCTs investigating dietary interventions aiming to
improve serum or plasma lipids profiles in free-living individuals
who have decreased the amount or improved the quality of dietary fat
have shown a mean reduction in serum total cholesterol of 8,5% in 3
months and 5,5 % in 12 months, but the dietary goals were seldom
achieved. In metabolic ward studies, the compliance was better and
the serum cholesterol concentrations were reduced by 10% to 15%.
The effects on LDL-cholesterol of specific SFA differ to
some extent. Myristic acid (C14:0), palmitic acid (C16:0), and
lauric acid (C12:0) increase both LDL- and HDL-cholesterol
concentrations (C14:0 more than C16:0 more than C12:0), but stearic
acid (C18:0) has a neutral effect comparable to that of oleic acid
(C18:1 n-9).
TFA from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils or fish
oils increase LDL-cholesterol concentrations almost as much as the
C12-C16 SFA, but reduce HDL-cholesterol concentrations.
Replacing 1 E% of TFA with 1 E% SFA, cis-MUFA, or
PUFA decreases the total-cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol ratio by
0,31, 0,34, and 0,67 units, respectively. The source of partially
hydrogenated fat might also have an effect because TFA from
partially hydrogenated fish oils have been shown to affect LDL- and
HDL-cholesterol concentrations more than partially hydrogenated
soybean oil.
Long chain n-3 PUFA (EPA and DHA) can increase serum
LDL-cholesterol concentrations. In subjects with T2DM the
increase of serum LDL-cholesterol concentration is 11 % on average.
The effects of fish oils supplements and DHA might differ such that
DHA has a stronger effect than fish oil when compared with cis-MUFA.
The evidence for the effect on LDL-cholesterol concentration was
evaluated to be suggestive for DHA and conclusive for fish oil. In
contrast to the effect on serum/plasma cholesterol concentrations,
long chain n-3 PUFA decrease the concentration of serum
Schwabin työryhmän
systemaattisessa katsauksessa arvioitiin kalaöljyn ( EPA +DHA)
vaikutus kokonaistriglyseridien seerum/plasmapitoisuuteen
todennäköiseksi. Mutta pelkästä DHA rasvahaposta johtopäätöstä
ei voitu vetää. Mitään haittavaikutuksia EPA- tai
DHA-rasvahapoista ei ole raportoitu, kun niitä konsumoidaan
kalaravinnon muodossa.
In the SR by Schwab
et aliae, the evidence of the effect on the concentration of
total triglycerides in
serum/plasma was evaluated as probable for fish oil, i.e. EPA + DHA.
But inconclusive for DHA alone. No adverse effects from EPA or DHA
have been reported when consumed in the form of fish.
Schwabin työryhmän systeemisessä
katsauksessa johtopäätöksenä oli, että näyttö kalaöljylisien
hypotriglyserideminen vaikutus on todennäköistä, kun
vertauskohteena oli cis-MUFA, mutta DHA-lisä yksinään ei
näyttänyt omaavan veren triglyseridejä laskevaa vaikutusta.
Vertailtaessa kalaöljyn vaikutusta
toisten PUFA-tyyppien vaikutuksiin seerumin/plasman
kokonaiskolesterolipitoisuuteen, näyttö arvioitiin
epätodennäköiseksi; ja näyttö sen vaikutuksesta LDL- ja
HDL-kolesteroliin ja kokonaistriglyserideihin arvioitiin
rajoitetuksi, ei vakuuttavaksi.
The SR by Schwab et
aliae concluded that the evidence for the hypotriglyceridemic
effect of fish
oil supplementation compared
with cis-MUFA was probable, whereas DHA supplementation did not seem
to have a hypotriglyceridemic effect. In comparisons of fish oil
with other types of PUFA, the evidence for the effect on
serum/plasma total cholesterol concentration was evaluated as
unlikely, and the evidence for its effect on concentrations of LDL-
and HDL- cholesterol and total triglycerides was evaluated as
limited- no conclusion.
Suom. 30.8. 2016.
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