Front Neurol. 2018 Feb 6;9:49. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00049. eCollection 2018.
Thioredoxin-1 Protects Spinal Cord from Demyelination Induced by Methamphetamine through Suppressing Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Inflammation. Yang L1,2,3, Guo Y2, Huang M2, Wu X2, Li X2, Chen G2, Li Y2, Bai J2.
Tiivistelmä: Abstract
Kautta maailman huumeena käytetty psykostomulantti on metyyli-amfetamiini (meth) . Siitä on alkanut kertyä vakavaa tietoa: se aiheuttaa aivovauriota. Muutama harva tutkija on raportoinut myös demyelinisoitumisesta ( siis hermoston eristävän kaapeliaineksen heikentymisestä.
Tässä artikkelissa tiedotetaan että tioredoxiini-1/Trx-1 ( kehon redox-järjestelmään kuuluva proteiini) pystyy suojelemaan hermosoluja eri stressitiloissa. Mutta siitä ei ole aiemmin selvitetty, voisiko, se ehkä vastavaikuttaa myös metamfetamiinin aiheuttamaan demyelinoitumiseen.
- Methamphetamine (METH) is a psychostimulant abused around the world. Emerging evidence indicates that METH causes brain damage. However, there are very few reports on METH-induced demyelination. Thioredoxin-1 (Trx-1) is a redox regulating protein and plays the roles in protecting neurons from various stresses. However, whether Trx-1 resists demyelination induced by METH has not been reported.
Myeliiniproteiineja ovat MAG ( myeliiniin assosioituva glykoproteiini) ja MBP ( myeliinin emäksinen proteiini). Niiden esiintymä vähenee metamfetamiinista, samoin väheni kinaasientsyymi CDK5. Mutta näitä muutoksia blokeerasi Trx-1 hiirissä.
- In this study, we found that METH-induced thin myelin sheaths in spinal cord, whereas Trx-1 overexpression transgenic (TG) mice restored the myelin sheaths thickness. The expressions of myelin-associated glycoprotein, myelin basic protein, and cyclin-dependent kinase 5 were decreased by METH, whereas these alterations were blocked in Trx-1 TG mice.
- The expressions of procaspase-12 and procaspase-3 were decreased by METH, the expression of calpain1 was increased by METH, whereas the alterations were suppressed in Trx-1 TG mice. As same as, the expressions of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase, nuclear factor κB, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukin-1beta were induced by METH, which were suppressed in Trx-1 TG mice.
- These data suggest that Trx-1 may play a critical role in resisting the METH-mediated demyelination in spinal cord through regulating endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation pathways.
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